id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 12021 WaitForDebugEventEx should be called to enable unicode in OutputDebugStringW Michael Marcin Andrey Semashev "From the MSDN documentation for OutputDebugString and WaitForDebugEventEx: Important In the past, the operating system did not output Unicode strings via OutputDebugStringW and instead only output ASCII strings. To force OutputDebugStringW to correctly output Unicode strings, debuggers are required to call WaitForDebugEventEx to opt into the new behavior. On calling WaitForDebugEventEx, the operating system will know that the debugger supports Unicode and is specifically opting into receiving Unicode strings. This is a Windows 10 api, it can be detected with code similar to: {{{ typedef BOOL(WINAPI *MYWAITFORDEBUGEVENT)( _Out_ LPDEBUG_EVENT lpDebugEvent, _In_ DWORD dwMilliseconds ); static auto WFDEX = MYWAITFORDEBUGEVENT(GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleW(L""kernel32.dll""), ""WaitForDebugEventEx"")); }}} (Note I had added several external links but trace rejected my bug as spam when I tried to submit this issue)." Bugs closed To Be Determined log Boost 1.61.0 Problem invalid