id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 12118 Problems performing boolean operations on polygons with shared edges ev.mipt@… Barend Gehrels "I have described problems with illustrations in mailing list: But forgot to mention there that despite the fact that I use same data every program restart, boost geometry union_ makes described problems not in same places. So WKT representation below is slightly different from pictures in mailing list post. WKT representations: Current Path polygon: MULTIPOLYGON(((13.0894 -70.9842,12.8138 -67.5544,12.6048 -63.5792,13.5644 -54.9161,13.8057 -43.6207,13.0006 -33.8524,9.29665 -33.2341,19.6687 -14.4204,-5.96064 -17.1987,-14.8704 -6.9988,-22.5081 -27.9248,-22.1616 -45.1548,-22.4244 -54.0161,-23.1383 -59.2863,-23.1831 -68.0194,-22.8694 -72.7853,-23.0297 -72.7676,-22.8192 -73.5476,-18.6568 -73.2505,3.16642 -75.6601,12.7528 -76.7187,13.0894 -70.9842))) Appended polygon: MULTIPOLYGON(((3.16642 -75.6601,12.7528 -76.7187,12.95 -74.6186,3.16642 -75.6601)),((-22.8477 -78.4296,-20.9284 -78.2253,3.16642 -75.6601,-23.0297 -72.7676,-22.8477 -78.4296))) Union of current path and appended polygon result: MULTIPOLYGON(((12.8756 -74.6265,13.0894 -70.9842,12.8138 -67.5544,12.6048 -63.5792,13.5644 -54.9161,13.8057 -43.6207,13.0006 -33.8524,9.29665 -33.2341,19.6687 -14.4204,-5.96064 -17.1987,-14.8704 -6.9988,-22.5081 -27.9248,-22.1616 -45.1548,-22.4244 -54.0161,-23.1383 -59.2863,-23.1831 -68.0194,-22.8694 -72.7853,-23.0297 -72.7676,-22.8477 -78.4296,-20.9284 -78.2253,3.16642 -75.6601,-18.6568 -73.2505,-18.6568 -73.2505,3.16642 -75.6601,12.7528 -76.7187,12.95 -74.6186,12.8756 -74.6265)))" Bugs closed Boost 1.63.0 geometry Boost 1.60.0 Problem fixed