id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 12141 XML serialization broken Tony Lewis Robert Ramey "The Boost 1.61.0 beta1 version of serialization has a breaking regression that changes the XML closing tag to `</boost_serialization>` rather than ``. Example code: {{{ #!cpp #include #include #include int main() { boost::archive::xml_oarchive oa( std::cerr ); int bob = 3; oa << boost::serialization::make_nvp( ""bob"", bob ); } }}} Compiling and running with these commands: {{{ setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/boost_1_60_0_gcc_build/lib:/opt/boost_1_61_0_b1_gcc_build/lib g++ ser_regn.cpp -isystem /opt/boost_1_60_0_gcc_build/include -L/opt/boost_1_60_0_gcc_build/lib -l boost_serialization-mt -o ser_regn.1_60_0 g++ ser_regn.cpp -isystem /opt/boost_1_61_0_b1_gcc_build/include -L/opt/boost_1_61_0_b1_gcc_build/lib -l boost_serialization-mt -o ser_regn.1_61_0_b1 ./ser_regn.1_60_0 ./ser_regn.1_61_0_b1 }}} The 1_60_0 version gives: {{{ 3 }}} The 1_61_0_b1 version gives: {{{ 3 </boost_serialization> }}}" Bugs reopened To Be Determined serialization Boost 1.61.0 Regression serialization,xml,regression,tag