id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 12263,"ublas matrix iterators do not include ""->"" member access (dereferencing) operator, although the operator is referenced in the documentation",douglas.schuyler@…,Gunter,"The documentation for the ublas matrix iterators includes the ""->"" operator for member access (dereferencing), but the source code does not include this operator in either the exposed iterator classes (i.e. iterator1/2) nor the base classes (i.e. random_access_iterator_base). Documentation: Iterator1 class reference: Similar observations have been made on StackOverflow, but appear to have not been written up. See here: This appears to be an oversight, but appears to reach throughout uBLAS.",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,uBLAS,Boost 1.61.0,Problem,,oversight ublas matrix iterator member access dereference,