id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 1227,Original/Signed/Unsigned Integer Variant Selection Templates,Daryle Walker,Daryle Walker,"Add new integer selection templates to ""boost/integer.hpp"" for * The underlying type for a given integral type. This could be called `underlying` and would map * `char` to whichever of {`signed char`, `unsigned char`} that shares the same values (section 3.9.1, paragraph 1 of the 2003 C++ standard) * `wchar_t` to its underlying type (paragraph 5 of the same part of the standard) * any other type to itself (This includes `bool` because it could be implemented distinctly from any other integral type.) * (Someday: extend this to find the underlying type of an enumeration) * Find the unsigned equivalent of a given signed integral type, like the `get_unsigned` examples at source:/tags/Version_1_34_1/boost/boost/typeof/int_encoding.hpp and source:/tags/Version_1_34_1/boost/boost/wave/util/flex_string.hpp * Find the signed equivalent of a given unsigned integral type, as a dual to the previous point (for both templates, non-matching types return themselves)",Feature Requests,new,To Be Determined,integer,,Not Applicable,,,