id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 12287,"rtree.query(bgi::contains(point), std::back_inserter(result)) fails",martin.liebenberg@…,Barend Gehrels,"When adding several points to an rtree, a query with bgi::contains(point) fails for some of these points. The reason seems to be that rtree.insert(point) expands a box in the rtree in boost/geometry/algorithms/expand.hpp so that the coordinate of a point can lie on the edge of a box. A query with bgi::contains(point) then checks with boost::geometry::strategy::within::within_range::apply(Value1 const& value, Value2 const& min_value, Value2 const& max_value) value > min_value && value < max_value so that a point on the edge of a box is not captured. The probability of the concurrency of this failure depends on the number of inserted points and the template value of the compile-time parameters of rtree as for instance in bgi::linear<32>. The greater the template parameter, the more points can be added until the failure occurs. ",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.62.0,geometry,Boost 1.61.0,Problem,fixed,"index, rtree",