Boost C++ Libraries: Ticket #12384: GetCurrentProcessId : is filling to get definition on "WinCE platform" for Release mode <p> We are getting below error from process.hpp for "<a class="missing wiki">GetCurrentProcessId</a>" on WinCE platform: </p> <p> \boost\implementation\boost_1_59_0\include\boost\detail\winapi\process.hpp(34) : error C2039: '<a class="missing wiki">GetCurrentProcessId</a>' : is not a member of '`global namespace<em> </em></p> <p> I have tried by including "kfuncs.h" for avoiding "error C2039: '<a class="missing wiki">GetCurrentProcessId</a>' : is not a memmber of '`global namespace" in "boost\detail\winapi\process.hpp", which resolves the above error but leading to the deferent errors listed below leading to cascading errors like below. </p> <p> "error C2039: 'Sleep' : is not a member of '`global namespace, error C2873: 'Sleep' : symbol cannot be used in a using-declaration<em> in "boost\detail\winapi\thread.hpp" for that i have added "#include &lt;Winbase.h&gt;" </em></p> <p> After that getting errors like "error C2732: linkage specification contradicts earlier specification for '<a class="missing wiki">TlsAlloc</a>',see declaration of '<a class="missing wiki">TlsAlloc</a>" from "windows ce tools\sdks\sdk2wince7\include\armv4i\winbase.h". </p> en-us Boost C++ Libraries /htdocs/site/boost.png Trac 1.4.3 James E. King, III Thu, 21 Sep 2017 23:15:21 GMT owner changed <ul> <li><strong>owner</strong> changed from <span class="trac-author">Andrey Semashev</span> to <span class="trac-author">James E. King, III</span> </li> </ul> <p> Please provide more information on how to set up the development environment to recreate this issue. For example I have Visual Studio 2010 through 2017 and Windows SDKs 7.0A through 10.0 but I probably don't have the sdk2wince7 one you mentioned in your description. Also please provide the command line you used to reproduce this in winapi/test, for example: </p> <blockquote> <p> <code>..\..\..\b2 toolset=msvc-12.0 define="_WIN32_WCE=600"</code> </p> </blockquote> <p> or something similar? </p> Ticket James E. King, III Thu, 02 Aug 2018 11:24:45 GMT owner changed <ul> <li><strong>owner</strong> changed from <span class="trac-author">James E. King, III</span> to <span class="trac-author">Andrey Semashev</span> </li> </ul> Ticket