id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 12449,date_time from string throws exception if time not set,peter.kirchweger@…,az_sw_dude,"There was a bug in parse_iso_time of date_time\time_parsing.hpp in earlier versions of boost. This has been fixed, but the fix does not work if just a date is given (no time set). This is not what I would expect, I would like to get a time set to midnight. My suggestion is to update the fix in split() from {{{ //! Utility function to split appart string inline bool split(const std::string& s, char sep, std::string& first, std::string& second) { std::string::size_type sep_pos = s.find(sep); first = s.substr(0,sep_pos); if (sep_pos!=std::string::npos) second = s.substr(sep_pos+1); return true; } }}} to {{{ //! Utility function to split appart string inline bool split(const std::string& s, char sep, std::string& first, std::string& second) { std::string::size_type sep_pos = s.find(sep); first = s.substr(0,sep_pos); if (sep_pos!=std::string::npos) second = s.substr(sep_pos+1); else // no time set, so we want to get midnight! second = ::std::string(""00:00:00""); return true; } }}} ",Feature Requests,closed,To Be Determined,date_time,Boost 1.61.0,Problem,wontfix,,