id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 12504,Use types from in boost::uint_t and boost::int_t,john@…,Daryle Walker,"I'd like to suggest that instead of using built-in types to implement `boost::uint_t` and `boost::int_t` that the explicitly sized types from be used. Take for instance [ this definition]: {{{ template<> struct int_least_helper<4> { typedef short least; }; }}} Is there any reason not to replace `short` with `std::int16_t` in this line? My (entirely selfish) reason to suggesting this is that I've hit [ an odd case] in code I am writing in which `boost::uint_t<64>::fast` is a different type to `std::uint64_t`. It would appear that `std::uint64_t` is defined as `unsigned long long` under XCode 7 but `unsigned long` under XCode 6. I fear that weirdness like this is inevitable given the many combinations of widths which built-in integer types can assume. But using the known-width types provided by would seem like a more reliable way to proceed. Many thanks, John McFarlane",Feature Requests,new,To Be Determined,integer,Boost 1.61.0,Problem,,,