id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 12505 1.62 msvc configure regression : Name clash for main.obj jschueller Vladimir Prus "Hello, I'm trying to update from boost 1.61 to 1.62 on msvc for conda and encountered this error: [00:03:41] Performing configuration checks [00:03:41] [00:03:41] - 32-bit : yes ... [00:03:41] - x86 : yes [00:03:41] - symlinks supported : yes [00:03:41] - C++11 mutex : no [00:03:41] - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_auto_declarations : no ... [00:03:42] - has_icu builds : no ... [00:03:43] - zlib : yes [00:03:43] error: at C:/conda/conda-bld/work/boost_1_62_0/tools/build/src/kernel\modules.jam:107 [00:03:43] error: Name clash for 'main.obj' [00:03:43] error: [00:03:43] error: Tried to build the target twice, with property sets having [00:03:43] error: these incompatible properties: [00:03:43] error: [00:03:43] error: - C:\conda\envs\_build\Library\lib C:\conda\envs\_build\Library\lib C:\conda\envs\_build\Library\lib [00:03:43] error: - none [00:03:43] error: [00:03:43] error: Please make sure to have consistent requirements for these [00:03:43] error: properties everywhere in your project, especially for install [00:03:43] error: targets. [00:03:43] [00:03:43] Command failed: cmd.exe /c bld.bat [00:03:43] Command exited with code 1 Full logs is provided as attachement. I've got the same error for vc9, vc10 and vc14 for both 32 and 64bits. I configure with the exact same script I used for 1.61, here's the configure part: call bootstrap.bat .\b2 install ^ --build-dir=buildboost ^ --prefix=%LIBRARY_PREFIX% ^ toolset=msvc-%VSTRING%.0 ^ address-model=%ARCH% ^ variant=release ^ threading=multi ^ link=static,shared ^ -j%CPU_COUNT% ^ -s ZLIB_INCLUDE=""%LIBRARY_INC%"" ^ -s ZLIB_LIBPATH=""%LIBRARY_LIB%"" Full build script is available as attachement. I've not seen it reported in the trac tickets, did someone get the same error" Bugs closed To Be Determined build Boost 1.62.0 Regression fixed main.obj msvc