id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 12570,"b2 ignores Iconv and disabled boost-locale lib, even though has_iconv.cpp passed",hbadger@…,Artyom Beilis,"Building boost from sources git tag 1.62.0 (4f2bdeb93a4be13ba0dc5e9f44920a2bf67191fc) I want to crossbuild it, on linux (ubuntu) host, for Mac OS X target. Goal: crossbuild the lib boost, with boost-locale Result: boost says that locale needs either ICU or iconv, and it does not build library for locale. Expected result: it would build the library for boost locale. Error messages: ... - iconv (libc) : no - iconv (separate) : no ... - Boost.Locale needs either iconv or ICU library to be built. ... ls stage/lib/ libboost_atomic-mt-s.a libboost_filesystem-mt-s.a libboost_program_options-mt-s.a libboost_system-mt-s.a libboost_thread-mt-s.a libboost_atomic-mt-sd.a libboost_filesystem-mt-sd.a libboost_program_options-mt-sd.a libboost_system-mt-sd.a libboost_thread-mt-sd.a Environment: Crosscompiler and it's toolchain is built in /home/ubuntu/build/osxcross/target/bin/ and is proven to work (builds Mach-O executables, they work when copied ontop real Mac OS X). Mac SDK is available in /home/ubuntu/build/macsdk/MacOSX10.11.sdk/ And it provides the iconv.h file ('''though I do not see any .a''' or other file for it - is that ok?) find /home/ubuntu/build/macsdk/MacOSX10.11.sdk/usr/include | grep iconv /home/ubuntu/build/macsdk/MacOSX10.11.sdk/usr/include/iconv.h Executed command (in place where I downloaded boost, with needed submodules) export WITH_ICONV=""/home/ubuntu/build/macsdk/MacOSX10.11.sdk/usr/"" && git clean -xdf ; git submodule foreach git clean -xdf; ./ --with-icu && ./b2 headers && export OSX_CPU_ARCH=""core2"" && export OSX_VERSION_MIN=""10.8"" && time ./b2 --toolset=clang --build-type=complete --with-filesystem --with-system --with-program_options --with-thread --with-locale cxxflags=-mmacosx-version-min=${OSX_VERSION_MIN} cxxflags=-march=${OSX_CPU_ARCH} target-os=darwin architecture=x86 address-model=64 --layout=tagged link=static runtime-link=static -sNO_BZIP2=1 --sNO_ZLIB=1 --prefix=/home/ubuntu/build/boost/build-osx/ threading=multi boost.locale.std=off boost.locale.iconv=on -sICONV_PATH=""$WITH_ICONV"" Running strace debug (strace b2), I can confirm that Boost does try to build the has_ionv.cpp program, and it seems to work fine. All invocations I seen return with 0 exit code. E.g: [pid 22980] execve(""/home/ubuntu/build/osxcross/target/bin/x86_64-apple-darwin15-clang++"", [""/home/ubuntu/build/osxcross/target/bin/x86_64-apple-darwin15-clang++"", ""-c"", ""-x"", ""c++"", ""-march=core2"", ""-mmacosx-version-min=10.8"", ""-O0"", ""-g"", ""-fno-inline"", ""-Wall"", ""-g"", ""-fPIC"", ""-m64"", ""-march=core2"", ""-mmacosx-version-min=10.8"", ""-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1"", ""-I."", ""-I/home/ubuntu/build/macsdk/MacOSX10.11.sdk/usr/include"", ""-o"", ""bin.v2/libs/locale/build/clang-linux-3.8.0/debug/target-os-darwin/has_iconv_libc_ext.o"", ""libs/locale/src/../build/has_iconv.cpp""], [/* 22 vars */]) = 0 Repeating this test manually also works, creates the .o file, and it is indeed in Mach-O format. No idea why then it still tells me that iconv was not enabled, and as result does not build locale. This bug disallows me from at all using Boost until fixed. ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,locale,Boost 1.62.0,Showstopper,,icu iconv,