id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 12613,Problem in vf2_subgraph_iso handling self-loops when using undirectedS,Flavio De Lorenzi ,Jeremiah Willcock,"The attached example (with 1 vertex and 1 self-loop) illustrates that `vf2_subgraph_iso` fails to detect the isomorphism when using `underictedS` and e.g. `vecS` as edge list. This is because adding a single self-loop to a vertex (when using `vecS` as edge list) results in 2 out-edges having the same edge descriptor. Is this intended? (In contrast, using `setS` as edge list to describe the same graph (1 vertex and 1 self-loop) results in only one out-edge. In this case vf2_subgraph_iso finds the isomorphism because each out-edge has a unique edge descriptor). This affects also previous versions. Best wishes, Flavio",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,graph,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,,,