id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 12684 Application crashing when collector maximum size is reached ketan0712@… Andrey Semashev " 0 down vote favorite I am using BOOST for my Logger API. I have a scenario when the maximum size of collector is reached it should stop logging. but currently the application is crashing. Example: maximum size of collector = 10MB and Maximum file size =4MB so it generates two files with size 4MB each and 1 with 2MB and the application should stop but its crashing here. Code is given below: sink = boost::make_shared(keywords::file_name = file_name, keywords::rotation_size = m_maxLogFileSize, keywords::open_mode = std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::app, keywords::auto_flush = true ); try{ sink->locked_backend()->set_file_collector(sinks::file::make_collector(keywords::target = m_dirLocation, keywords::max_size = 1 * 1024));// m_maxLogFileSize)); //sink->locked_backend()->set_file_collector(sinks::file::make_collector(keywords::target = m_dirLocation, keywords::max_size = 10 * 1024 *1024, keywords::min_free_space = 1024)); } catch (exception e) { std::cout << ""Maximum size reached in collector"" << std::endl; } sink->set_formatter( expr::stream << expr::format_date_time< boost::posix_time::ptime >(""TimeStamp"", m_timeFormat) << m_logSeparator << ""["" << expr::attr< boost::log::trivial::severity_level >(""Severity"") << ""]"" << m_logSeparator << "" "" << expr::attr< boost::thread::id >(""ThreadID"") << m_logSeparator << "" "" << expr::attr(""FileName"") << """" << "":"" << expr::attr(""Line"") << m_logSeparator << "" "" << expr::attr(""Function"") << m_logSeparator << "" "" << expr::xml_decor[expr::stream << expr::smessage] ); sink->locked_backend()->scan_for_files(); sink->locked_backend()->auto_flush(true); // Add the sink to the core logging::core::get()->add_sink(sink);" Bugs new To Be Determined log Boost 1.61.0 Problem BOOST