id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 12690,Boost Asio race condition,Ivan Kostov ,chris_kohlhoff,"The following test case issues an warning when executed with the thread sanitizer. The problem occurs when there is a pending job and the associated work is canceled. {{{ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ioServiceShallWaitForPendingJobs) { auto test = []() { boost::asio::io_service service; std::unique_ptr work (new boost::asio::io_service::work(service)); std::thread t( [&service]() {; } ); std::atomic_bool called{false}; [&called]() { std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::milliseconds(50)); called = true; } ); std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); work.reset(); // -> race t.join(); BOOST_REQUIRE(called); }; for( size_t i = 0 ; i < 100000; ++i) { BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(i); test(); } } }}} The fix is in asio/detail/posix_event.hpp:55 {{{ // Signal the event and unlock the mutex. template void signal_and_unlock(Lock& lock) { BOOST_ASIO_ASSERT(lock.locked()); signalled_ = true; // lock.unlock(); ::pthread_cond_signal(&cond_); // Ignore EINVAL. lock.unlock(); // first signal and then unlock as the name implies } }}} Please find the output of the Clang as an attachment ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,asio,Boost 1.62.0,Problem,,race condition,