id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 12713 VS2015 : fatal error C1189: #error : is not supported when compiling with /clr or /clr:pure Dima Rusyy John Maddock "The code in boost/smart_ptr/detail/sp_counted_base.hpp : {{{ #elif !defined( BOOST_NO_CXX11_HDR_ATOMIC ) # include }}} doesn't look correct as it causes header to be included. That leads to compilation error in /clr mode. Includes files hierarchy : {{{ 1> Note: including file: ..\boost\boost_1_63_0\boost/smart_ptr/detail/shared_count.hpp 1> Note: including file: ..\boost\boost_1_63_0\boost/smart_ptr/bad_weak_ptr.hpp 1> Note: including file: ..\boost\boost_1_63_0\boost/smart_ptr/detail/sp_counted_base.hpp 1> Note: including file: ..\boost\boost_1_63_0\boost/smart_ptr/detail/sp_has_sync.hpp ..\boost\boost_1_63_0\boost/smart_ptr/detail/sp_counted_base_std_atomic.hpp 1> Note: including file: ..\boost\boost_1_63_0\boost/detail/sp_typeinfo.hpp 1> Note: including file: ..\boost\boost_1_63_0\boost/core/typeinfo.hpp 1> Note: including file: D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\atomic 1>D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\atomic(9): fatal error C1189: #error : is not supported when compiling with /clr or /clr:pure. }}}" Bugs closed Boost 1.64.0 config Boost 1.63.0 Problem fixed