id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 12790 Left shift does not work on 32 bit Linux and MSVC 2015 (32 and 64 bits) mika.fischer@… John Maddock "The following test program creates an unsigned 160 bit unsigned integer with all bits set and shifts it by six bits to the left. On 64 bit Linux, the expected result (F...FC0) is returned. But on 32 bit Linux and MSVC 2015 (32 bit as well as 64 bit), the incorrect result (F...FC000000000) is returned. {{{ #include namespace mp = boost::multiprecision; using namespace std; typedef mp::number > number_t; int main() { number_t n = -1; cout << hex << n << endl; n = n << 6; cout << hex << n << endl; } }}} " Bugs closed Boost 1.64.0 multiprecision Boost 1.62.0 Problem fixed mika.fischer@…