id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 12863,some API detection #ifdefs not valid,danalbert@…,chris_kohlhoff,"There are a couple of guards checking for APIs that are quite fragile and do not work with the latest Android NDK: (your spam detection captcha isn't working, it's issue #302 on the android-ndk/ndk github project) The first is assuming `cfsetspeed` is available if `_BSD_SOURCE` is set: `_BSD_SOURCE` is something the user defines if they want access to the BSD extensions, and indicates nothing about what the implementation provides. Second is guarding `epoll_create1` based on the presence of `EPOLL_CLOEXEC`: This breaks implementations like the following: {{{ #define EPOLL_CLOEXEC O_CLOEXEC int epoll_create1(int) __attribute__((availability(android,introduced=21))); }}} (Android here is just an example, this could well be the case on other platforms)",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,asio,Boost 1.61.0,Problem,,,danalbert@…