id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 1288,Quickbook article info needs expansion to include more bibliographic info,Paul A. Bristow,Daniel James,"Quickbook article info needs expansion to include more bibliographic info [@ Docbook Bibliographic info] It is unclear which items are to appear on the front page (and indeed I think there is a bug in that this [article Math Toolkit [quickbook 1.4] [copyright 2006-2007 John Maddock, Paul A. Bristow, Hubert Holin and Xiaogang Zhang] [purpose ISBN 0-9504833-2-X 978-0-9504833-2-0] [license Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at [@]) ] [authors [Maddock, John], [Bristow, Paul A.], [Holin, Hubert], [Zhang, Xiaogang]] [category math] [purpose mathematics] [/last-revision $Date: 2007-09-24 11:12:19 +0100 (Mon, 24 Sep 2007) $] ] Note the TWO [purpose...] blocks. produces this XML mathematics Math Toolkit ISBN 0-9504833-2-X 978-0-9504833-2-0 Actually this would be best as - but of course it needs to be printed. This needs my needs to show an ISBN on the front page for now, but is a kludge! ",Feature Requests,new,To Be Determined,quickbook,Boost 1.34.1,Problem,,bibliographic info,