id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 12896,"[Utility] string_view's comparison operators are not marked ""constexpr""",Zheng Luo,Marshall Clow,"During the implementation of my GSoC static_map competency project, I found that in Boost 1.63, string_view's comparison operator was not marked as constexpr( According to cppreference, string_view in C++17's standard library includes constexpr comparison operators, and actually the implementation of Boost's comparison operators calls constexpr compare() method. However, constexpr compare() in Boost never works in C++14, since it uses std::char_traits in standard library, of which char_traits::compare is not marked constexpr until C++17. It seems possible to backport C++17's constexpr char_traits into Boost's library.",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,utility,Boost 1.63.0,Problem,,"string_view,constexpr",