id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 12953,"access to master_test_suite().{argc, argv}",ope-devel@…,Raffi Enficiaud,"Hello, for testing I use a ""loader"" class to read input and expected files from filesystem. These files are used by the data-driven test cases. The path to these files are given from command line. Due to the fact that datasets are creating static objects on file scope, I can't access them by calling master_test_suite().{argc, argv} outside of e.g. BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE where the ""loader"" exist. Using the Fixture approach fails to compile, see attachement. Further, as far I understood, the files would be loaded again for each data driven test, which is not intended. Following the docs, I didn't found a way to get access to the (in best case from boost.test args pruned) argc/argv. Is it a missing feature and bug? The initial thread is on ML ""[boost] [Boost.Test] access to boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().{argc, argv} outside from BOOST_TEST"" Thanks, Olaf",Feature Requests,closed,Boost 1.68.0,test,Boost 1.63.0,Problem,fixed,,