id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 12986,Boost.Fusion: VS2017 is able to compile variadic template implementation of vector,peter.klotz@…,Kohei Takahashi,"VS2017 (cl 19.10) compiles the variadic template implementation of boost::fusion::vector without problems. So maybe it is time to limit the workaround to older compilers (see attached patch). This would ease developing platform independent code for Linux and Windows since gcc (at least starting with 4.8) already uses variadic templates by default. So currently one is forced to use BOOST_FUSION_DISABLE_VARIADIC_VECTOR (and use the old syntax) to make the code portable between both platforms.",Patches,closed,Boost 1.65.0,fusion,Boost 1.64.0,Problem,fixed,,