id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 1299 change in typedef stringstream_type in format_date_parser.hpp causing compilation error anonymous az_sw_dude "In format_date_parser.hpp, the typedef '''stringstream_type''' (in class format_date_parser) was defined as '''std::basic_stringstream''' in boost-1.33.0 but now has changed to '''std::basic_ostringstream''' in boost-1.34.1. This change now causes compilation error to any call to the function -> date_type[[BR]] parse_date(const string_type& value,[[BR]] const string_type& format_str,[[BR]] const special_values_parser& sv_parser) const[[BR]] { stringstream_type ss;[[BR]] ss << value;[[BR]] stream_itr_type sitr(ss); // THIS ERROR IS IN THIS LINE !! stream_itr_type stream_end;[[BR]] return parse_date(sitr, stream_end, format_str, sv_parser);[[BR]] } The compiler error (for boost-1.34.1) is -> '''format_date_parser.hpp:221: error: invalid conversion from `void*' to `std::basic_streambuf >*'''' and is observed with multiple versions of gcc (3.4.x and 4.x). Here's a simple example -> {{{ #include int main() { typedef std::basic_ostringstream stringstream_type; typedef std::istreambuf_iterator stream_itr_type; stringstream_type ss; stream_itr_type itr(ss); return 0; } }}} The above program does not compile unless stringstream_type is changed to std::basic_stringstream." Bugs closed To Be Determined date_time Boost 1.38.0 Showstopper fixed