id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 13016,small buffer optimization for bool vector or dynamic_bitset,gast128@…,jsiek,"The small_vector addition (#9165) is great. However using this with Booleans gives space overhead. The std has anticipated this with the vector concept though not everybody is enthusiastic about this optimization. Unfortunately this one always allocates its data on the heap. What I need is the optimization of vector (or a dynamic_bitset) with the small buffer optimization. The use case is that I keep bool (or a bit postion) for every connected pin which goes from 0 to max pins. 99% of the use cases the maximum pins are less than 10 though I do not want to set a maximum on it beforehand (so e.g. use of std::bitset with 32 values would rule this out, since that one is topped to 32). see also ",Feature Requests,new,To Be Determined,dynamic_bitset,Boost 1.64.0,Optimization,,,