id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 13026,Boost is not correctly configured on modern Mac with Intel C++ Compiler,Trifud,John Maddock,"Boost does not work properly on modern macOS, for example 10.11, with Intel C++ Compiler. When compiling with default language/standard/compatibility flags, {{{select_compiler_config.hpp}}} picks up {{{intel.hpp}}} which does not define {{{BOOST_NO_RTTI}}} and {{{BOOST_NO_RTTI}}} due to {{{__INTEL_RTTI__}}}. This is wrong, since Intel C++ 2016 builds upon LLVM/Clang which does not have RTTI. As a result, if your application uses RTTI-dependent operators (like {{{typeid()}}}), it breaks. When you compile with the following flags: {{{-no-use-intel-optimized-headers -no-intel-extensions -no-icc -no-gcc}}} ...then Boost picks up {{{clang.hpp}}}. But the Clang version handling in this header file is broken since Apple has different versioning scheme for Clang. However, if you use the flag {{{-clangxx-name=}}} with a custom Clang version, then the Clang versioning scheme is back to normal. When building with Intel C++ on macOS, both Clang and Intel compiler specific settings need to be considered.",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,config,Boost 1.64.0,Problem,obsolete,clang intel rtti macos,