id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 13127,out of bound memory access in integer_sort,Jie HE ,Paul A. Bristow,"I called integer_sort() to sort a data array, found a oob access, and crashed. check the code, found it occurs in inner_swap_loop. the code is like the following: target_bin = bins + (rshift(*current, log_divisor) - div_min) but in the previous code, function spreadsort_rec(). the bin count is calculated by the code with a cast (unsigned): unsigned bin_count = unsigned(div_max - div_min) + 1; and the next place in spreadsort_rec() for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last;) bin_sizes[unsigned(rshift(*(current++), log_divisor) - div_min)]++; so that, I thought there is a missing cast (unsigned) in inner_swap_loop(). ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,sort,Boost 1.64.0,Problem,,,