Boost C++ Libraries: Ticket #13141: Allow intrusive containers to work with relative pointers (ie with nodes stored in a vector) <p> There is an interesting use case that Boost Intrusive containers don't seem to support yet. </p> <p> I would like to store the nodes of my collection in an std::vector. The problem is: as nodes get pushed to the back of the vector, the vector reaches capacity, reallocates its internal buffer and these nodes don't stay at the same address. I therefore cannot use pointers (which hold an absolute address) to chain these nodes together. </p> <p> However, I would like to use indices to chain these nodes. I call that index chaining. The idea is simple. Nodes stay at the same (relative) index inside the vector even though the vector grows and reallocates its internal buffer. Any node-based collection (linked list, red-black tree, etc), can be stored in a contiguous area of memory and represented using index chaining. </p> <p> Think of the index as a relative pointer. This relative pointer needs some context to be dereferenced: the vector in which the elements are stored. </p> <p> There are several good reasons why we might want to store a node-based data structure in a vector. It is more compact. It is more cache-friendly. We can use shorter integers to represent indices (eg int32_t compared to 64-bit absolute pointers), which makes the nodes more compact and the whole data structure more cache-friendly. All the nodes are colocated in a single memory block. If the nodes are trivially destructible, deleting the whole data structure is just a matter of deallocating a single memory block. </p> <p> Las, the different traits class that would have helped (pointer_traits, node algorithms) are stateless and only work through static methods. And offset_ptr doesn't cut it. </p> <p> I haven't found a way to get Boost intrusive to work this way. I might not be the only one trying.!topic/boost-list/PYKJlqT_wuw describes a similar, if not the same, request. </p> <p> Consider supporting this feature. That would open Boost intrusive to the realm of compact and relocatable node-based data structures. </p> en-us Boost C++ Libraries /htdocs/site/boost.png Trac 1.4.3