id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 1315,iterator_adaptor does not work with incomplete Value types,Joaquín M López Muñoz,jeffrey.hellrung,"boost::iterator_adaptor doesn't work when the associated Value type is incomplete, at least in MSVC++ 8.0 (my hunch is that the problem is general). The following {{{ #include template struct my_iterator: boost::iterator_adaptor,T*> { }; struct foo { my_iterator it; }; int main(){} }}} results in: {{{ ...\boost\type_traits\is_pod.hpp(34) : error C2139: 'foo' : an undefined class is not allowed as an argument to compiler intrinsic type trait '__is_pod' ...\sandbox.cpp(10) : see declaration of 'foo' ...\type_traits\is_pod.hpp(128) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::detail::is_pod_impl' being compiled [...] ...\boost\iterator\iterator_facade.hpp(652) : see reference to class templateinstantiation 'boost::detail::operator_brackets_result' being compiled with [ Iterator=my_iterator, Value=foo, Reference=foo & ] [...] }}} Although this is probably not a bug strictly speaking, it would be fine if iterator_adaptor could be made to work with incomplete Value types, just as the canonical model for iterators, Value*, does.",Feature Requests,new,To Be Determined,iterator,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,,,duncanphilipnorman@…