id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 13222,Documentation for header-only libraries inaccurate,Declan Moran ,Matias Capeletto,"The documentation at lists the libraries which must be be compiled separately. Executing the following on the command line > ./ --show-libraries however, produces a different list (see below). It seems the docu is missing the libraries: ''atomic, container, coroutine, fiber, metaparse, stacktrace and type_erasure'' which I suggested should be added to the (html) documentation > ./ --show-libraries The Boost libraries requiring separate building and installation are: - atomic - chrono - container - context - coroutine - date_time - exception - fiber - filesystem - graph - graph_parallel - iostreams - locale - log - math - metaparse - mpi - program_options - python - random - regex - serialization - signals - stacktrace - system - test - thread - timer - type_erasure - wave ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,Documentation,Boost 1.65.0,Problem,,,