id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 1328 boost::spirit concurrency gap vlad_news@… Joel de Guzman "The following snipped code from the ""boost::spirit"" library contains the problem with concurrent access to a static object. Creation of a object of ""thread_specific_ptr"" type should be protected while concurrent access is performed. //boost\spirit\core\non_terminal\impl\grammar.ipp ... # ifdef BOOST_SPIRIT_THREADSAFE //should be protected with a ""call once"" idiom static boost::thread_specific_ptr tld_helper; if (!tld_helper.get()) tld_helper.reset(new ptr_t); ptr_t &helper = *tld_helper; # else static ptr_t helper; # endif ..." Bugs closed To Be Determined spirit Boost 1.34.1 Problem fixed