id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 13327,Issue with boost::property_tree::ptree inside lambda with a capture using Visual Studio 2017,shubham.srivastava@…,Sebastian Redl,"We are running into an issue with Boost 1.56.0, in boost::property_tree:: ptree, when using it inside lambda function with a capture using Visual Studio 2017. I get the following errors from line 4 and line 6 when compiling the attached file. boost\include\boost-1_56\boost\property_tree\detail\ptree_implementation.hpp(252): error C2440: '': cannot convert from 'boost::multi_index::detail::bidir_node_iterator>' to 'boost::property_tree::basic_ptree>::const_iterator' with [ Super=boost::multi_index::detail::ordered_index_node>>,std::allocator>>>>> ] and [ Key=std::string ] boost\include\boost-1_56\boost\property_tree\detail\ptree_implementation.hpp(252): note: No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous note: see reference to function template instantiation 'boost::property_tree::basic_ptree>::const_iterator boost::property_tree::basic_ptree>::begin(void) const' being compiled with [ Key=std::string ] The workaround that we have is to use auto instead of the actual types for the const_iterator returned from begin(). See attached cpp file.",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,property_tree,Boost 1.63.0,Problem,,,