id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 13332 Boost 1.65.1 seems to be missing boost graph fixes from 1.64 jckooijman@… Jeremiah Willcock "I am getting compile errors using VS2017 in boost 1.65.1 boost\graph\named_function_params.hpp {{{ template inline const typename lookup_named_param_def::type& get_param(const Args& p, Tag) { return lookup_named_param_def::get(p, param_not_found()); } }}} This was fixed in 1.64 apparently. #if _MSC_VER >=1900 #pragma warning( push ) #pragma warning( disable : 4172 ) #endif template inline const typename lookup_named_param_def::type& get_param(const Args& p, Tag) { return lookup_named_param_def::get(p, param_not_found()); } #if _MSC_VER >= 1900 #pragma warning( pop ) #endif I found another example of this: {{{ explicit two_bit_color_map(std::size_t n, const IndexMap& index = IndexMap()) : n(n), index(index), data(new unsigned char[(n + elements_per_char - 1) / elements_per_char]) { // Fill to white std::fill(data.get(), data.get() + (n + elements_per_char - 1) / elements_per_char, 0); } }}} in this case the int 0 being passed to std::fill needs to be casted to a char to compile. Also fixed in 1.64. Has something gone wrong here in the 1.65.1 release?" Bugs new To Be Determined graph Boost 1.65.0 Problem