id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 13385 "Docs for for_each() should be clearer about forbidding ""any non-constant operation""" Tony Lewis Neil Groves "The docs for Range's (single-range) `for_each()` function specify the requirement: > !UnaryFunction does not apply any non-constant operation through its argument. I think this wording could it be clearer. Does it mean that the it mustn't modify the value passed to it? If not, I think it would benefit from rewording. If so, isn't that quite different to `std::for_each()`. If that's deliberate, I suggest it's worth a brief note highlighting and justifying the difference. Otherwise, I suggest it's worth fixing. Thanks very much." Bugs new To Be Determined range Boost 1.66.0 Problem range,for_each,docs,requirements,const