Boost C++ Libraries: Ticket #13534: icu support windows7 x64 failed <p> I'm trying to build any boost x64 version with icu support, but have't reached success. Built both version of icu 32 and 64 bit. I tried following steps: in order to find icu dlls I set </p> <ol start="0"><li>set PATH=c:/icu/bin64;c:/icu/bin;%PATH% </li><li>bjam adress-model=64 sICU_PATH=c:/icu --toolset=msvc-14.0 ; got </li></ol><ul><li>has_icu builds : no </li><li>icu(64) : yes </li></ul><p> What should I think of it? By checking resulting libraries, I realized that support wasn't enabled. </p> <p> result: icu support DISABLED </p> <p> 2.bjam adress-model=32 sICU_PATH=c:/icu --toolset=msvc-14.0 ; got </p> <ul><li>has_icu builds : yes </li><li>icu(64) : yes </li></ul><p> By checking resulting libraries, I found that support was enabled. </p> <p> result: icu support ENABLED </p> <p> any ideas? </p> en-us Boost C++ Libraries /htdocs/site/boost.png Trac 1.4.3 stoneGuard Fri, 20 Apr 2018 22:22:02 GMT <link> </link> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description> <p> 2.bjam adress-model=32 sICU_PATH=c:/icu --toolset=msvc-14.0 ; got </p> <ul><li>has_icu builds : yes </li><li>icu : yes </li></ul> </description> <category>Ticket</category> </item> </channel> </rss>