id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 13535,xpressive miss captured groups name while assign a match_results object to another.,hyd ,Eric Niebler,"example: {{{ cmatch match; cmatch mat2; cregex rex = tcompile(""(?P\\d{5})""); if( regex_match(""error10205"",match,rex) ) { mat2 = match; string strErr = mat[""ErrorCode""]; // Here will not get the match string } }}} It's cause by funciton: **void swap(match_results &that)** in **match_results.hpp** file. I had fix the bug, by adding == this->named_marks_.swap(that.named_marks_); after line 668. ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,xpressive,Boost 1.67.0,Problem,,xpressive captured groups,