id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 13539 Boost Polygon - MSVC 2017 - Ambiguous call to size() function Kai Benndorf Lucanus Simonson "We are currently switching our compiler from MSVC 2012 to MSVC 2017. Now I have problems compiling out application using Boost Polygon. I get the following error: c:\khand\win64\include\boost\polygon\polygon_traits.hpp(606): error C2668: ""boost::polygon::size"": ambiguous call to overloaded function c:\khand\win64\include\boost\polygon\polygon_traits.hpp(467): note: could be ""unsigned __int64 boost::polygon::size(const T &)"" with [ polygon_type=DESIGN::GTL::Polygon, T=DESIGN::GTL::Polygon ] C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.13.26128\include\xutility(1611): note: or ""unsigned __int64 std::size(const _Container &)"" [bei der Verwendung der argumentbezogenen Suche gefunden] with [ polygon_type=DESIGN::GTL::Polygon, _Container=DESIGN::GTL::Polygon ] In size() function in polygon_traits.hpp conflicts with the now in C++ standard contained std::size(). I could solve the problem by using the completed name boost:polygon::size() in polygon_traits.hpp. Please see appended diff." Bugs new To Be Determined polygon Boost 1.67.0 Regression Kai Benndorf