id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 13549,"""Failed to register an intel toolset!"" despite ""iclvars.bat"" intel64 ran.",boost@…,Vladimir Prus,"Moin Moin. Despite I ran ""iclvars.bat"" intel64 I do receive an.: ""Failed to register an intel toolset!"" despite Message in ""tools\build\src\tools\intel-win.jam"" due to.: if ! [ feature.values ] being true (, hence failing). I tried to google the syntax, but did not find any expression-list explaining.: [ feature.values ] Is there a syntax to print out the expressions.: Using.: ECHO $feature.values ; ECHO $(feature.values) ; ECHO ; ECHO $() ; just yields.: ________________ $feature.values ________________ So at least $feature.values does seem to be empty. But typing in ________________ call ""%VT_DLL_DIR%\..\..\..\compilers_and_libraries\windows\bin\iclvars.bat"" intel64 bootstrap.bat ________________ does compile a functional b2.exe/bjam.exe pair. Does anyone know, what happened here, or can someone privide help(-files) on the syntax used for the if-statement, please. 8^))) Tschüß, Michael. ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,build,Boost 1.67.0,Problem,,Failed to register an intel toolset!,