id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 13613,gcd performs modulo by zero which is undefined,"James E. King, III",Daryle Walker,"Boost.Rational uses Boost.Integer's gcd method. I Added Coverity Scan support to the Boost.Rational build and it identified an issue that needs investigation: CID 293013 (#4-12 of 12): Division or modulo by zero (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO) divide_by_zero: In function call gcd, modulo by expression 0 has undefined behavior. [hide details] (rational_test.cpp) 470 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( boost::gcd( 0, -9), static_cast( 9) ); (rational.hpp) IntType gcd(IntType n, IntType m) { // Defer to the version in Boost.Integer > 1. divide_arg: n is used as a divisor in function gcd. return integer::gcd( n, m ); } ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,integer,Boost 1.67.0,Problem,,ub,