id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 136,operator does not work under 3.2,opiate,nobody,"{{{ g++ -I.. -I../base -g -O2 -ftemplate-depth-32 -c -o Var.o /usr/include/boost/cast.hpp: In function `Target boost::numeric_cast(Source) [with Target = int, Source = poe::OpCode]': instantiated from here /usr/include/boost/cast.hpp:344: creating array with size zero (`false') warning: pasting ""operator"" and ""+"" does not give a valid preprocessing token warning: pasting ""&"" and ""add"" does not give a valid preprocessing token ... (many more lines of warnings with different operators) Same class compiles fine under gcc-2.95 Part of Var's header: class Var : boost::totally_ordered, // >, >=, <=, etc. boost::incrementable, // ++(Var) boost::totally_ordered, // order vs various types boost::totally_ordered, boost::totally_ordered, boost::totally_ordered, boost::totally_ordered, boost::integer_arithmetic, // + - / * % boost::bitwise, // & | ^ boost::shiftable // << >> { }}}",Bugs,closed,,None,None,,None,,