id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 139,read_graphviz,nobody,jsiek,"{{{ When a dot file contains ""graph"" attributes (a=b): digraph G { graph [a=b]; a [c=d]; } The parser will croak the _second_ time it is called: using namespace boost; GraphvizDigraph g_dot, g_dot2, g_dot3; read_graphviz("""", g_dot); read_graphviz("""", g_dot2); //kaboom Gordon. PS. A ""real"" dot file that this happens with: digraph G { node [label=""\N"", shape=box]; graph [bb=""0,0,54,124""]; 0 [label=One, pos=""27,98"", width=""0.75"", height=""0.50""]; 1 [label=Two, pos=""27,26"", width=""0.75"", height=""0.50""]; 0 -> 1 [pos=""e,27,44 27,80 27,72 27,63 27,54""]; } }}}",Bugs,closed,,graph,None,,Fixed,,