id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 13,iterator_adapter and abstract classes,sielenk,david_abrahams,"{{{ Footnote [5] on the Boost Iterator Adaptor Library documentation page states that > The value_type of an iterator may not be > an abstract base class, [...] This is not true. The value_type is only used as result type of operator[], so there ought to be no problem if the iterator is used as bidirectional and not as random access iterator. The problem was caused by the structs is_named_parameter and make_arg. I changed is_convertible to is_convertible two times and everyting works beautifully, i.e. the appended file compiles. MfG Marvin H. Sielenkemper }}}",Bugs,closed,,iterator,None,,Out of Date,,