id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 149,MSVC7.1 format problem,nobody,samuel_k,"{{{ I tried a simple usage of format and str under MSVC7.1 #include #include using namespace std; void main() { using boost::format; using boost::io::group; using boost::io::str; std::string s; s= str( format("" %d %d "") % 11 % 22 ); assert( s == "" 11 22 ""); cout << s << endl; } and it failed with this error plus many more... C:\boost\site\boost\format\feed_args.hpp(79) : error C2065: 'disambiguater' : undeclared identifier in feed_args.hpp, line 73, I commented out the BOOST_WORKAROUND section for MSVC. Everything compiled just fine and ran as expected. I'd send you a diff, but since I'm not completely comfortable with all of the BOOST defines, I'll let somebody more qualified do that. my email is }}}",Bugs,closed,,None,None,,Out of Date,,