id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 1540,Poisson distribution very slow for large mean (and may also overflow).,John Maddock,Steven Watanabe,"Joel Eidsath reports: The poisson_distribution code will fail for any mean larger than 750 or so (on my x86_64 machine). The problem is a comparison with exp(-_mean) which evaluates as zero right around there. The easiest fix is to operate with logs instead of exponents. I changed the operator() code to be something like this: RealType product = RealType(0); for(result_type m = 0; ; ++m) { product += log(eng()); if(product <= -_mean) return m; } This also makes it possible to get rid of the init() function and the _exp_mean private member variable. A far better fix would be to use an algorithm other than Knuth's for this. Knuth's algorithm is simple, but O(n). References to better implementation methods include: * Numerical Recipes * * ""Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation"" by Luc Devroye. Full text available for free at with Poisson covered in chapt 10 at starting p501.",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.36.0,random,Boost 1.34.1,Problem,fixed,,jeidsath@… pbristow@…