id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 1591,Documentation Corrections - Non-Member Functions,Charles Brockman ,jsiek,"In the documentation at ''/libs/dynamic_bitset/dynamic_bitset.html'', I think there are errors in two sentences. In the Non-Member Functions section, see operator& and the two following functions, operator| and operator!^. The second sentence of each Returns paragraph is identical among the three descriptions: ''Note that the expression b1 & b2 is equivalent to creating a temporary copy of b1, using operator&=, and returning the temporary copy.'' I think the operator| part should read: ''Note that the expression b1 | b2 is equivalent to creating a temporary copy of b1, using operator|=, and returning the temporary copy.'' and the operator!^ part should read: ''Note that the expression b1 !^ b2 is equivalent to creating a temporary copy of b1, using operator!^=, and returning the temporary copy.'' The similar Returns paragraph at operator- appears to be correct. ",Patches,closed,Boost 1.36.0,dynamic_bitset,Boost 1.34.1,Problem,fixed,,