id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 1628,Lack of wide character support prevents boost.serialization from linking,cole@…,Robert Ramey,"Using MSYS and MinGW Using latest SVN release MSYS's libstdc++ does not support wchar_t and thus all files that use wide characters have not compiled in MSYS. This hasn't been a problem in the past, the lib/dll/a files have always been generated and were linked fine. In the latest svn however, this was not the case. There was lots of failure surrounding: {{{ bin.v2\libs\serialization\build\gcc-mingw-3.4.5\release\threading-multi\codecvt_null.o:codecvt_null.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTVSt7codecvtIwciE[vtable for std::codecvt]+0x28): undefined reference to `std::codecvt::do_max_length() const' }}} etc.... So I deleted most of codecvt_null.cpp leaving only the boost macro at the top and the include for codecvt_null.hpp. This ""worked"". It linked together and I now have my nice serialization library sitting waiting for me to test out. Hopefully I specified the correct ticket properties... I got a bit confused.",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.35.0,serialization,,Showstopper,fixed,,