id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 1640 [Thread] warnings from VC9 + warning level 4 Richard Webb Anthony Williams "Running the Thread tests with VC9 on warning level 4 produces some warnings: {{{ boost/thread/win32/condition_variable.hpp(111) : warning C4512: 'boost::detail::basic_condition_variable::relocker' : assignment operator could not be generated boost/thread/detail/move.hpp(25) : warning C4512: 'boost::detail::thread_move_t' : assignment operator could not be generated boost/thread/win32/once.hpp(49) : warning C4512: 'boost::detail::win32_mutex_scoped_lock' : assignment operator could not be generated boost\thread\win32\basic_timed_mutex.hpp(67) : warning C4127: conditional expression is constant boost/thread/win32/thread.hpp(182) : warning C4251: 'boost::thread::thread_info_mutex' : class 'boost::mutex' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class 'boost::thread' boost/thread/win32/thread.hpp(183) : warning C4251: 'boost::thread::thread_info' : class 'boost::intrusive_ptr' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class 'boost::thread' }}} There are also some warnings from the tests themselves: {{{ libs\thread\test\condition_test_common.hpp(37) : warning C4512: 'wait_for_flag::check_flag' : assignment operator could not be generated libs/thread/test/util.inl(170) : warning C4512: '`anonymous-namespace'::thread_member_binder' : assignment operator could not be generated libs/thread/test/util.inl(126) : warning C4512: '`anonymous-namespace'::indirect_adapter' : assignment operator could not be generated libs\thread\test\shared_mutex_locking_thread.hpp(59) : warning C4512: 'locking_thread' : assignment operator could not be generated test_shared_mutex_part_2.cpp(139) : warning C4512: '`anonymous-namespace'::simple_writing_thread' : assignment operator could not be generated test_shared_mutex_part_2.cpp(205) : warning C4512: '`anonymous-namespace'::simple_reading_thread' : assignment operator could not be generated }}} Attached is a patch that silences the 4512 warning from the public headers by adding private assignment operators. I think the 4251 warnings can only be silenced by turing off the warnings with a pragma." Bugs closed To Be Determined thread Boost Development Trunk Cosmetic fixed