id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 1698 Duplicate name of actual target Maik Beckmann Vladimir Prus "Hello Some days ago building a bunch of boost libs starts failing with error: Duplicate name of actual target: libboost_test_exec_monitor-mt.a I reduced it to this line ./tools/jam/src/bin.linuxx86_64/bjam variant=release link=static,shared --with-serialization --with-test stage while ./tools/jam/src/bin.linuxx86_64/bjam variant=release link=static,shared --with-test stage and ./tools/jam/src/bin.linuxx86_64/bjam variant=release link=static,shared --with-serialization stage work perfect. --Maik PS: I'll try to upload a log file of the bjam output" Bugs closed To Be Determined build Boost Development Trunk Regression fixed