id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 1743,Documentation has incorrect Build & Link settings for some libraries,Edward Diener ,Daniel James,"On the documentation page for the Boost 1.35 libraries, at, the Build & Link settings for some libraries incorrectly say 'Header only' where the libraries are not 'Header only' but have to be built. The libraries which I have noticed are wrong are Regex and Signals. There may be other libraries on that page that are marked 'Header Only' and must be built, so perhaps someone knowledgable about the build characteristics of all the libraries should check. This is just a web page documentation issue but may deceive some users of libraries that they do not have to build a particular library because it is erroneously marked 'Header only' on the web page. ",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.36.0,website,Boost 1.35.0,Cosmetic,fixed,build link,