id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 1798,"met an error using boost::tokenizer in multi-times in vs2005, unicode",wingo ,jsiek,"test function: const CHAR* tnotifymsg = “HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 110 Date : ...... 19 ”; CHAR* pSeparator = "" ,;\n\r""; int nErrorcode = 0; boost::char_separator sep(pSeparator); std::string strNotifymsg = tnotifymsg; boost::tokenizer> tokens(strNotifymsg, sep); boost::tokenizer>::iterator itBegin = tokens.begin(); boost::tokenizer>::iterator itEnd = tokens.end(); boost::tokenizer>::iterator beg = itBegin; // error code if ""HTTP/1.1"" at the beginning of notify message if(_stricmp((*beg).c_str(), ""HTTP/1.1"") == 0) { using boost::lexical_cast; ++beg; nErrorcode = lexical_cast(*beg); return nErrorcode; } else{ // else the right message for parser for(; !bFinishFlag; ++beg) { ; } } ",Bugs,new,,tokenizer,Boost 1.34.1,Problem,,boost::tokenizer,