id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 1878,Documention Corrections - Various date_time Pages,Charles Brockman ,az_sw_dude,"Here are some suggested changes for the ''date_time'' library documentation. In ''\libs\date_time\xmldoc\gregorian.xml'', the phrase[[BR]] ""If you are interested in learning about writing programs do specialized date calculations...""[[BR]] should probably be[[BR]] ""If you are interested in learning about writing programs that do specialized date calculations..."" In ''\libs\date_time\xmldoc\date_class.xml'':[[BR]] "" is not possible to construct and 'invalid' date.""[[BR]]should be[[BR]] "" is not possible to construct an 'invalid' date."" Get the day of the week (eg: Sunday, Monday, etc.[[BR]] should be[[BR]] Get the day of the week (Sunday, Monday etc.)[[BR]] [closing the parentheses and removing the superfluous ""eg""] To YYYY-mmm-DD string where mmm 3 char month name.[[BR]] should be[[BR]] To YYYY-mmm-DD string where mmm is a 3 char month name. In the row after[[BR]]date operator-(date_duration) const, I think the line should be changed from[[BR]] Return a date by adding a day offset[[BR]] to[[BR]] Return a date by subtracting a day offset Here are two items for ''\libs\date_time\xmldoc\snap_to_details.xml'':[[BR]] ""The month_iterator is not effected by this issue..."" [[BR]]should be[[BR]] ""The month_iterator is not affected by this issue...""[[BR]] [effected = accomplished, affected = influenced] ""This would cause the final result to be different that the starting date."" [[BR]]should be[[BR]] ""This would cause the final result to be different than the starting date."" ",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.36.0,date_time,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,fixed,,