id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 1989,PropertyTree docs,ryan.gallagher@…,kaalus,"Doc Patches for review: Attached is a patch (proeprty_tree-doxComments.diff) that adds doxygen comments to the property tree library's public headers. This will be used by the quickbook based documentation. Also attached is a 7z file (property_tree_docs.7z) containing quickbook files and a jamfile to build the documentation from the quickfiles + doxygen comments from the patch. This file contains a ""doc"" directory that should be placed in libs\property_tree. Once placed there the docs can be built by running bjam in the libs\property_tree\doc directory. These docs are all based on the old html docs ( ). Some minor grammatical fixes were made and some minor updates done due to code changes. However, these attached quickbook docs still require further update, sections removed, and could probably use some more polish and content. Linking in with the main boost docs will need to be done in a separate change.",Patches,closed,Boost 1.39.0,property_tree,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,fixed,,kalita@…